Is the thinner metal plate more conducive to fiber laser cutting machine processing?
Fiber laser cutting machines are notoriously fast to process thin metal sheets, and the processing quality is good! Generally speaking, the thinner the fiber laser cutting machine is, the easier it is to process metal sheets. Is this really the case?

For fiber laser cutting machine, cutting 1mm sheet metal is relatively easy, and the cutting speed is also very fast. The processing operation is also very simple and trouble-free! But for cutting 0.08mm thin sheet, It is not that simple. Although it is very easy to cut the top, in actual operation, because the plate is too thin, the remaining material is easy to warp, which affects the cutting accuracy. If you rely on manual processing according to the remaining material, it is also thankless and time-consuming Hard work!
Some people may think that it would be better if several thin plates are stacked together for processing! In theory, it can be achieved, but if it is actually operated, there will be a more fatal problem, that is accuracy! For the surface For the plate, the accuracy is achieved, but for the bottom plate, the waste residue will remain on the surface, and the accuracy will be greatly reduced.
So, for the fiber laser cutting machine, it is not that the thinner the metal sheet is, the better the fiber laser cutting machine processing!
If you want to know more about fiber laser cutting machine products and information, please pay attention to Hongshan Laser

Tag: Is conducive cutting
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