How to effectively avoid radiation damage of fiber laser cutting machine
Radiation is ubiquitous for people. The computers, mobile phones, hair dryers, and photocopiers we often use all carry radiation. Radiation varies in size, and proper self-protection measures can prevent radiation. Own harm. However, what I want to introduce to you today is about the radiation of fiber laser cutting machines. The radiation brought by fiber laser cutting machines should not be underestimated, especially if it can cause fatal damage to the human eye, then How to protect yourself and avoid radiation damage from fiber laser cutting machine?
How does the radiation of the fiber laser cutting machine cause damage to human eyes?
In the process of processing, the characteristics of the laser emitted by the fiber laser cutting machine can make the energy highly concentrated in space and time. The refractive medium of the eye is focused on the retina to form an image, and the energy density on the retina Compared with the incident energy density on the cornea, it is increased by 104~105; the laser monochromaticity is good, and the chromatic aberration in the fundus is small. The above characteristics cause the extremely low laser energy to cause damage to the cornea or retina. Therefore, the editor here warns you , When the fiber laser cutting machine is working normally, do not look directly at the laser source.
How to avoid radiation damage of fiber laser cutting machine?
1. If you want to reduce the radiation of fiber laser cutting machine, you must use laser protective glasses, which are specifically for fiber laser cutting machine equipment, which can effectively reduce the radiation of fiber laser cutting machine, so the staff You don’t have to worry about this when you use it, you can safely cut the workpiece; and there are many types of laser protective glasses, including composite, absorption, reflection, and diffraction.
2. If you want to reduce the radiation of the fiber laser cutting machine, in fact, the staff can protect themselves, for example, the staff eat more food with anti-radiation, so as to effectively resist the radiation of the fiber laser cutting machine, generally anti-radiation The foods include tomatoes, bean sprouts, carrots, animal liver and lean meat, etc., which are all foods rich in vitamin AC and protein, so the anti-radiation effect is very good.
If you want to know more about fiber laser cutting machine products and information, please pay attention to Hongshan Laser

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